The Younger Brothers Trading Co.

The Younger Brothers Kogi Coffee -Espresso Roast- 12 oz bag

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The Younger Brothers Trading Co. is proud to offer the first Espresso Roast from the beans harvested by the Kogi indigenous community. 

Each bag of Kogi Coffee contains 12-ounces of whole bean, medium roast, arabica coffee, and has been deep-fermented to increase the quality of cup profile, flavors, and experience. Kogi Coffee carries notes of citrus, chocolate, and sugar cane, and is grown above 1,200-meters altitude. 

The Younger Brothers Trading Co. has sourced your coffee directly from the family of Vangelio Sauna of the Kogi indigenous community, located in the sacred mountains of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. 

All funds have been sent directly to the family of Vangelio Sauna, and will be used to improve the livelihoods, health and education, as well as food security for the family and greater Kogi community. 

Coffee and agroforestry production in the Kogi community is based on the fundamental belief system stewarded by the “Hermanos Mayores” (“Elder Brothers”), as the Kogi call themselves, which is mandated by their spiritual elders, the “Mamos”.

The Kogi coffee practices focus on the conservation as well as the restoration of nature, which are the fundamental principles of the Kogi’s “Law of Origin", or “Law of Knowing”. 

This is the goal of the Mamos, the Kogi indigenous community, and the family of Cabildo Santos: to share their spiritually-driven mission of saving our Mother Earth by protecting the ancestral knowledge that the Kogi carry from millenniums of spiritual evolution, which is now being shared with you, through the experience of drinking the Kogi community’s coffee. 

It is an honor for us to share this with you and your family.